Friday, 7 January 2011

Post 227: I'm not a secret marketing man for Henderson's ok

But I've only gone and discovered Henderson's crisps!

I finished my Christmas/New Year break jollies with a pleasant amble around Fountains Abbey. There were no fountains. There is though a great big ruin and some very fancy ponds. However, there was much frost, ice and other coldnesses - so an emergency hot chocolate was called for.

Once in the Cafe, I was very happy to find nice crisps, and Henderson's crisps in a single packet! Joy.

The joy was short-lived. I read the menu, two of the options were:
  • Hot Chocolate £2.10
  • Large Hot Chocolate £3.00
  • Marshmellows and whipped Cream 65p
It still being the season of goodwill, I thought I'd go wild and have a large with the cream and marshmellows. I asked for this, to take out - to be told grumpily that Hot Chocolate only comes in one size. It was then served in a proper cup; so I asked for a paper one. This was provided; but I was told my hot chocolate wouldn't fit in it.

Some places really are special.


  1. Oh good lord, you might not be the marketing man for Hendersons but it sounds as if that cafe could do with you in that job for them. Nowt like good service and that was nowt like good service. Henderson's crisps don't seem to have reached the Midlands, or I haven't noticed if they have.

  2. people are daft aren't they? love a local crisp x

  3. I'd be no good, I'd spend all my time eating the crisps.


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