Friday, 22 May 2009

Post 39: Corned Beef Hash for little cash

Well it rhymed....

It' a long time since I've had a corned beef hash, but a tin of beef winked at me while I was searching for inspirations in the cupboard. I haven't bothered about checking what should really go in a hash, I just went for a combination of what was left in the veg box and what was in the cupboard. Turned out nice again though. And it went a little like this:

- 6 medium spuds cut into 3/4 inch cubes
- As ever 2 onions, chopped and fried with garlic
- 6 carrots chopped into pretty chunky lumps
- 1 tin corned beef. This could really have done with another; a search of even the deepest cupboard recesses could find no other.
- 1 tin chopped tomatoes
- 1 tin flageolet beans (see, I told you I was trying to use stuff up from the cupboard)
- 1 tin baked beans
- 1 Kohl rabi chopped fairly small
- beef stock

All this took about 15 minutes to assemble in the pan; but then it was simmered for an age until everything had gone nice and soft. The success of this was that for the second week running I managed to use the nonsensicals vegetables that is a kohl rabi. Despite my steeping it in this sauce overnight I still can't quite take to the Kohl Rabi's.

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