Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Post 8 and I've had a mare.

After a few days away, last night I was back amongst the cooking.

For the first time in this bloggery, my T was a bit of a disaster. It started ok with home made coleslaw and jacket spuds. Both of which were fine. The ease of making coleslaw, really made me wonder why I've ever bought any of the stuff.

Where it went wrong was the meat. I went into the butchers and a juicy lamb shank winked at me. I thought I couldn't go wrong, remembering it from many a (poncy) pub grub meal. Given it wasn't all that big, I cooked it at the top of the oven for a half hour. Now, if it had been a steak, then I'd have got away with it as a medium-rare beauty. Sadly though, it was a mass of slightly bloody gristle and sinew with the odd bit of meat thrown in. 

Still you live and you learn.

1 comment:

  1. 30 mins? No no no! A lamb shank should be best done at least 2 hours, and cooked at no more than 160C. Try it with some root veg, garlic, rosemary and a slug of white wine. Cover in foil and leave it until it falls off the bone.


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