Monday, 6 April 2009

Post 18: Raised bed building: Then mark your wood. Then drill your wood. Then re-dig your hole

When I'd unpacked all the wood, there didn't half look a lot of it. I then marked everywhere I needed to drill, and my pencil was well and truly blunt by the end of that. Then I drilled. And drilled. That was pretty dull, but at least I got to feel manly playing with a power tool.

So after all that drilling, I thought I might have a go at putting stuff together. So, I sat the boards in my nice hole and discovered I'd not dug my hole flat. And there's nothing worse than a hole that's not been dug flat; well apart from going over on your ankle. So, next it's back to the digging.


  1. How is the digging going? Watch out for all that old builders rubbish - bricks, iron, boots, gloves, hardhat, jcb....

  2. Plenty of bricks found. But in the main slowed by the banjo-ed rib, which is most annoying. Hopefully I'll be able to get it finished off this weekend.


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