Thursday, 2 April 2009

Post 15: I'm only half-way to paradise/organic, green healthy living heaven

I knew I'd be short of time last night. So I succumbed to the lure of M&S 3 for a fiver Lasagnes, and I also bought some salad to go with. But re-mustering my cooking strength I gave the sliced battered spuds a body-swerve and decided to make my own healthy patataatatatatatas bravas to accompany.

So, not too bad. £5 the lasagne's £1.50 the salad and maybe 50p's worth of spuds, spices and onions.

The bravas went a little like this:
- par boil some roughly sliced spuds, with garlic, paprika, salt and chillies
- into a hot oven with dustings of paprika and a regular stir and re-dusting, until they'd gone a bit crozzled around the edges.
- in case you were wondering about this onions, these were sliced raw with chilli oil to add to the salad (you can never have too much chilli!)

Sadly the hot oven was all too much for the lasagne trays and some emergency action was required. An evening of food riots and oven cleaning was only narrowly averted.


  1. Hello, I like your blog. Have you a good recipe for an accompanying tomato sauce?

  2. Oops - sorry missed this comment for a bit. How's about:
    - one biggish onion chopped small, cooked slow
    - two gloves garlic
    - two hot chllies (well, you want a bit of fire with this, or at least I do)
    - a spoon of paprika
    - and a tin of chopped tomatoes

    Sounds nice to me!


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