Thursday, 29 December 2011

266: Mead Mince Pie

Merry Christmas.

Here was a little of my Crimble preparations. This is so simple it's not really even a recipe. But... it's not so simple that I didn't make somewhat of a mess of it. Yet another to be filed under Close but no Ceegar. I like a mince pie. I like booze (probably more than mince pies). It's Christmas so normal drinking rules are somewhat relaxed. And so, I thought up mead mince pies.

As the name suggests - it's a mince pie with mead in it. I thought this would be good as mead would add a boozy touch, whilst also being very sweet. And sometimes mince isn't that sweet.

So ingredients:
- 3/4's jar  of mince
- 2 table spoons mead
- 1 packet jus-roll puff pastry (see, told you it wasn't a proper recipes)
- 1 egg
- 2 table spoons demerrera sugar
- dab of butter

- mix mince and mead
- cut out pastry, and slightly smaller lids to appropriate size for your bun tray
- grease baking tray with butter**
- fill with the meady mince-y mix ***
- add lids and squeeze to join to bases with eggy wash glue
- cut steam escape hole in to lid
- eggy wash the top
- dust with demerrera sugar
- in the oven 20-25 minutes at 200c

That nearly went like a proper recipe at the end, there. I'll get back on track with the photo which shows why it was close-no-cigar.
** - be generous here, I didn't grease the tin enough so they got stuck. Although this may have had something to do with:

*** - don't be generous here. Overfill and the lids will explode off the bases and dribble down the side so as to keep everything hard stuck to the tray. Probably didn't help that the mead adds extra runny-ness too.

On the plus side though, the mead did as I thought it would and gave the mince pies a nice lush indulgent feel. The sugar and the eggy wash on top were winners. And best of all fresh pastry - what could be finer?

Happy New Year everyone, all 28 of you! x X x


  1. Happy New Year chap!I think they look delicious, I like my mince pie like that, all sugary and over filled. Any left? If you have, I am on way, put the kettle on.
    28? That has gone up, it was 19 last time you mentioned it. xxx

  2. Yeah..... I'm cheating, I counted the Facebook ones too.

    None left, I'm afraid. But this week I shall be having a first go with my new ice-cream maker. Good enough?


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