I was thinking maybe it wasn't really going to be worth bothering with. I then though went to the allotments at the office in work (to check progress on my completely failed Cabbages) and there were loads of unloved ripe tomatoes which were falling off and going to waste. Well... there was only one answer here - go get a carrier bag! Across several different allotments, I wandered round and collected the fallen where the skins were still intact. And *naughty confession time*, I then assisted a few more to oh so luckily fall in to my bag. Any allotment that looked well tended, I left alone - I only assisted with ones that were going to go to waste in anyway.
All this got me to starting my soup production with2.2 Kilos of various tomatoes
- Onion and garlic slowly fried in a little olive oil
- Tomatoes and pepper on to baking tray with olive oil, salt and pepper in to a medium ovenAfter ~20 minutes, starting to remove any tomatoes which had started to peel - and then completing the peeling and putting the skin aside.
- Once all the toms were cooked I then simmered the tomatoes, stock and pepper
- Then blitz
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