I was frankly too knackered to be bothered doing anything fancy with this week's tricky box last night. So, I went for vegetable pasta, using the onions (really easy), some more yellow courgette that I'd found lurking from last week, a spare pepper and this week's podded peas. The main benefit of including podded peas being that I could sit and pod them whilst watching WBA - Newcastle. I'm petty sure though the novelty of the new football season will wear off before the novelty of fresh peas, having watched that dross.
This little lot, I fried up, along with some garlic, two birds eye chillies and some chorizo which I'd sliced ~1cm across. It's obviously pretty similar to the prawny-chilli pasta that's another of my favourites, but the chorizo had a lot more texture and added some extra flavour across the rest of the ingredients.

Action cooking photos! - with added steam
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